The Only Clue

 Clouded by mists, from the top, this sheer cliff appeared like a bottomless abyss. Surrounded by a boundless ocean of mist, the depth and the things that resided beneath the cliff were unknown. One look at it would make one feel goosebumps all over their body.

And as if walking on a flat surface, Qin Wushuang soon descended four or five hundred meters.

Although he had only descended four or five hundred meters, when he raised his head, Qin Wushuang could no longer see the top. The mist pervaded the area.

From Qin Wushuang’s observation, the vegetation on top of the cliff had been deliberately damaged. The person that fell should have used his hands to grab on it desperately. However, he had failed.

Yet, it still helped to decrease his falling momentum. Or else, the damaged vegetation should not appear like this.