Seizing the Upper Hand!

Showing an arrogant face, Qin Wushuang held He Yufei and stood on the roof of the Redwood Mansion like a lofty mountain. Tall and straight, his arrogance gave people a sense of peerlessness and awe.

"As for those visible and hidden sentries, no need to chase me. I only want the Redwood King to come talk to me!" Qin Wushuang spoke with a cold tone as if he was not standing on some King’s Mansion but on the street.

And he did not put those mighty warriors who concealed themselves all around in his eyes as if they were no more than clay figures. With He Yufei in his hand, he was not afraid of any threat from the Redwood King.

Although the Redwood King had gone to sleep again, he was also startled firsthand. He dressed in a layer of embroidered and exceptional clothing and rushed over quickly with a couple of his trusted aides.