Old Man Ji Yin's Scheme

Hearing the sounds, all the waiters in the inn came running out. However, their curiosity only served to speed up their deaths.

Bang, bang bang!

Each time Old Man Ji Yin moved his finger, a life would die by his hand.

Instantly, a dozen of lives had been lost!

As the bloody mist dispersed, the gruesome scene revealed an area filled with distorted and exploded bodies.

Each of those guests in the Eastwood Town inn wore a fearful expression as if they had seen a ghost. They all tried to escape by jumping through the windows or walls.

Old Man Ji Yin said coldly: "Trying to leave?"

He shook both of the sleeves and continuously shot out white lights. It was as if all the activities from the Heaven and Earth were hiding in the sleeve, suddenly, a giant destructive energy wave rushed out like a violent wave.


Suddenly, the entire Eastwood Town inn exploded—

And it vanished into a puff of smoke, as if it had been extracted from this world into dust!