The Decision

As soon as the Fifth Palace Master had spoken, the Third Palace Master immediately followed up to say: "He is absolutely right. Second Palace Master, this unprecedented matter is not easy to allow. Once we allow it, it will turn into chaos. Next, the current internal harmony we have in our Palace will also crack."

It was not their intention to go against the Second Palace Master deliberately. It was because they did not want to make this exception and was not willing to let the Second Palace Master gain the spot of a Core student easily.

The fact was, in total, there were only ninety-six spots for the Core students.

The five Palace Masters had divided the sixty-four spots. Among them, the Head Palace Master controlled sixteen spots. The rest of the four Masters all got twelve each.

The remaining thirty-three spots belonged to the eight Shakyamuni, and sixteen Elders. The eight Shakyamuni all possessed two spots each, and the sixteen Elders had one each.