Primary Material for the Body Sculpting Pill

From that young man’s introduction, Qin Wushuang got to know that his surname was Yan, and was called Yan Feng.

This Yan Feng felt much safer after attaching himself to Qin Wushuang’s side. He looked left and right. His goal was simple and he would not bother to pay attention to materials that would not make those two Initial pills.

Qin Wushuang was not as picky as he was. He looked around wherever he went. He wanted to get familiar with this trading center at the Nature Manifestation Valley. On the other hand, it was not necessary for him to purchase something.

For the materials to make the body sculpting and the Initial Stage Spiritual pill, Yan Feng had already obtained many and with a substantial amount. The amount he had would was enough to guarantee making the pill four to five times.

Now he only lacked the primary materials for the body sculpting and the Initial Stage Spiritual pills.