Shocking News

From the seven outrageous quality Spiritual Pills, the Shakyamuni took one as the commission fee. Since his teacher, Tan Zhongchi had ordered one, he had five left.

From the other three ordinary Spiritual Beast Cores, he had a total of ten ordinary Spiritual Pills. Plus the four Golden Body Sculpting Pills, Qin Wushuang’s knapsack had instantly become valuable.

However, Qin Wushuang did not plan to misuse them. This time, he was only able to collect all five basic Beast Cores with the primary attributes due to that arena competition. Then, he had used these to make these few Upper Sky Pills with the best quality.

Regardless of these normal quality or these exceptional ones, they were all only used towards Pre-Sky Realm martial artists. To Qin Wushuang, they were not very useful.