Killing in One Move Instantly

The moon would never become full again after today’s matter!

These were the ruthless words spoken by Mi Zhongye. That Emperor He’s face changed color immediately!

In the imperial capital of the Bai Yue and right on the land ruled by the Emperor, this Mi Zhongye did not show the slightest of deference. It had made him, the Emperor, lose his face.

Just when he was about to speak, suddenly, one of the elite imperial bodyguards whispered next to his ears. After hearing his words, Emperor He changed the expression on his face subtly and looked towards the roof of the inn.

"Marquis Wushuang?" Emperor He whispered from his throat.

"There is no mistake, it is him. Earlier, I have gained a deep impression of this man when I went with the prince to bestow the title upon the Qin family!"

"He is back?" In the tone of Emperor He, there was a trace of joy.