The Destined Battle

Through the fight with Zhao Muzhi, Qin Wushuang had gained much.

During this battle, he didn’t expect that, unknowingly, he would grasp how to "do two things at once." It was a state in defiance of the natural order to use two techniques with two hands at the same time.

For this technique, he did not practice it intentionally in this world. However, he had practiced many times while he was still living in his former world. The instant he had begun his battle with Zhao Muzhi, it was as if all the memories from his former world suddenly came rushing back, allowing him to perform this "multitasking" technique perfectly without any mistakes. Everyone at the scene was open-mouthed in shock.

On the day of rest, Qin Wushuang summarized the gains and losses from these five round of competition. Apparently, he had grasped more understanding in terms of combat experience.