Staying in Isolation to Welcome the Breakthrough

With a fast speed, Qin Wushuang got out of the Green Jade Mountain and returned to the camp. Currently, Zhao Muzhi and the others have been waiting here for a long time. The nine Core disciples were discussing their plans for the next step. When they saw Qin Wushuang rushing back, they were all surprised.

It was because Qin Wushuang appeared in a somewhat embarrassing state. All of his clothes were somewhat shredded and his entire body showed signs of a blood-soaked battle. Especially on his skin, there were layers of blood streaks. Apparently, he had received a few injuries from the Wind Wolf’s tyrannical attack.

Qin Wushuang said with a serious expression: "Everyone, I was attacked by a War Beast when I entered the mountain. However, I didn’t disgrace us and killed that War Beast. However, I feel that my Spiritiual Qi is roiling and is showing signs of breaking through. Everyone, please protect me for a day and a night."