Heaven Falls and the Earth Rent

Even Wei Yi, a usually calm man, showed an enormous change of color in his face. Inwardly, his heart was also torn with anxiety. He knew clearly that from these three short whistles, Junior Brother Qin must be in dire straits. Or else, it would not sound this miserable.

In the current circumstance, he only had two choices. The first one was to aid him, regardless of the enemy. They would die together as they were fellow disciples.

The other choice was to act according to their previous promise. Once they heard the three short whistles, they would retreat without hesitation.

 "Senior Brother, what should we do?" Huang Chaoyang knew the situation was desperate when he saw Wei Yi’s expression.

"Junior Brother Qin is not in a good situation." Wei Yi said in a low voice, "Those three short whistles were extremely piercing and rushed, and it seems to have been muffled by some space. The spread of the sound wave was contained."