To Pull the Wolf from the Cave

This Devil Boy was only sixteen years old? And he was already this strong?

Could it be that he also had the Natural Spiritual Roots? Almost at the same time, Qin Wushuang and Zhao Muzhi arrived at the same question.

Qin Wushuang knew that for him, he was able to reach the Middle Stage with that Spiritual Qi baptism from the Second Loop in the Seven Deadly Formation Arrays. That baptism had cultivated his body secretly. It had allowed him to not worry about his progress of his martial arts training regarding the impact on his body during the absorption of the Spiritual Qi.

Plus, with the miraculous skill that helped him to absorb Spiritual Qi, it had tremendously helped him to fasten his training process. This fast speed was not just speeding him up twice, but five or ten times.

Despite all this, he was eighteen years old this year and had finally reached the Middle Stage.