The Best Stage to Make a Come Back

Li Buyi laughed faintly: "Nice words about how you control your own fate. However, I observed that you have imposing manner and it’s unfortunate for me to not tell your fortune. I know everything in the world and am the best fortune teller. The other day, at the Silver Leaf Subordinate Country of the Heavenly Lake Empire, I got rejected by someone who didn’t listen to my words. Do you know where he ended up?"

Inwardly, Qin Wushuang’s heart jumped as he asked in a low voice: "What?"

Li Buyi pointed to that announcement board before him: "That guy did not listen to my words and is now on the list as a wanted criminal. Those who do not listen to good people’s words will suffer in the future, am I wrong?"

Inwardly Qin Wushuang did not know whether Li Buyi had intentionally said these words or unintentionally. He said without an expression: "Other’s businesses have nothing to do with me. Excuse me, I must get going."