Seizing Victory in Grand Manner

In the Stargaze Palace, Miao Zhongxia’s talent ranked in the top six. His power was also exceptional. When he was facing the attacks coming from the two disciples of the Archaic Mysteries sect, he did not choose to confront them head-on. Instead, he chose to evade their attacks smartly.

He knew that individually, these two’s power was lesser than his. However, when in combination, they could fight on par with him. Thus, confronting them head-on would not give him a much of a chance to win.

He was waiting for an opportunity, the one chance to launch that critical attack.

Qin Wushuang, Wei Yi and the others who were watching the show beneath the stage appeared relaxed on the surface, inwardly, they were cheering for Miao Zhongxia. They hoped he could take down this fight in a spurt of energy.

With a solemn expression, Zhao Muzhi bit his lips lightly and watched the three figures on the stage. He wanted to help Miao Zhongxia badly and hoped he would win.