The Arrival of Wushuang, Power of the Spiriutal Bow!

Suddenly, Zhao Heng started to jeer and his aged face was filled with wrinkles. Then, he said with an unfriendly tone: "I dislike the relentless nonsense. Listen well, you four, I will only say this once."

Tan Zhongchi and the other three all become highly focused and stood in a crescent moon like formation. At any time, they could attack in unison and to prevent this Zhao Heng from going wild.

 "The contract signed after the Eastern Friendly Competition will be voided. You must divide the exploration spots of the Endless Eastern Sea equally. Of course, do not think that I am bullying you guys. It’s not too much of a request; each party will get ten spots. If you all agree, I will leave now. The Head of the Stargaze and the Dragon and Tiger sect will go to the Archaic Mysteries sect to sign a new contract. Or else… ha ha."

Zhao Heng laughed evilly and focused his lightning like gaze toward these four people.