The Goal, Spiritual Infant Fruit of the Disperse Praying Mountain!

Qin Wushuang listened quietly without speaking a word. He only nodded to agree with Tan Zhongchi.

Suddenly, Zhuo Buqun said: "Second, Wushuang has already decided to search for the Spiritual Infant Fruit in the Dispersed Praying Mountain. Even if you guys are apart by tens of thousand of miles, the connection between you guys are unbreakable. Second, with such a disciple, don’t be too sad."

Tan Zhongchi laughed straightforwardly: "Head Palace Master, I don’t have much prized life works in my life. I feel most proud that I have taken in such a disciple. In the future, it will be Qin Wushuang who will help the Stargaze Palace to flourish.

On this point, even Zhuo Buqun must accept as he smiled: "In the past, everyone looked up to Wei Yi. In the future, most likely Wei Yi will need to follow Wushuang’s accomplishments."