The Mad Battle Beast, Purple Flame Electric Beast

When the Red Dragon Empire was mentioned, Qin Wushuang could not help but feel angry. He only wanted to slaughter his way to the Nine Palace and rip Zhao Heng to pieces.

While he was lost in his thoughts, that voice said: "Lucky one, to advance or waste your life safely in the human countries, this is your decision. The right and wrong step will determine your fate. This is the end of this Circle. Hopefully, we can still meet again at the Fourth Circle!"

After he had finished, that light withdrew itself and slowly, it disappeared without a trace. Qin Wushuang thought about those last words. These last words did not seem important, but should hold some hint.

 "Regardless, I will pursue the Void Martial Stage and explore the Fourth Circle!" Qin Wushuang made up his mind and stood up.