Engulfing the Starry Galaxia

A trace of surprise emerged on Hong Yinchuan's face. This was the first time!

Ever since he had stepped onto the path of martial arts, this was his first time being at a disadvantage during a duel with another young disciple! He didn't even see how the other party had made his move and the power of his three fists had been reflected back. For such method, even his teacher Zuo Tianci had never learned it!

"Yinchuan, don't underestimate the enemy. This Qin Wushuang is not an ordinary Stargaze disciple!" Zuo Tianci was hiding his presence in a corner of this city gate. He did not expose himself and only reminded his disciple by sending his voice through spiritual sense.

This was his first step in destroying the Great Luo Empire. He would defeat the Stargaze's young generation at first, then he would step out and kill all five Palace Masters during the crowning ceremony. He would toss the Stargaze into the eternal abyss completely!