Activated the mechanism, Secrets of the Qin

Qin Lianshan's eyes lit up: "Wushuang, are you sure?"

Qin Wushuang said: "Definitely!" After he had finished speaking, he circled around the area and suddenly, he said: "Father, you should leave the room, I am worried that Spiritual Qi might erupt out from the mechanism. We should be careful and expect the worst."

Qin Lianshan said stubbornly: "Wushuang, I am not leaving this ancestral house."

"Father, I am worried…" Qin Wushuang was afraid that sealed mechanism would bounce back the Spiritual Qi and injure his father by accident. After all, since the activation of this mechanism required one to be at the Perfect Stage, it would not be ordinary. It would not be easy to deal with it if the restrained Spiritual Qi were to shoot out.