An Absorption Feast

Ye Wentong and the four great Suzerains moved rapidly. In a moment, they had traversed thirty to forty miles. Just as they were rushing forward, suddenly, Ye Wen Tong's expression changed. Then, he stopped and waved his hand while giving a low whistle of alarm.

Hearing this whistle of alarm, the four Suzerains felt nervous inside and stopped.

At this time, hearing the alarm sign would never be a good sign.

Ye Wentong made a hand gesture and those four Suzerains stood besides him in a fan formation. They had formed a cohesive line of defense.

"Grand Suzerain, what's happened?" One of the Suzerain asked in a low voice.

Ye Wentong made eye signals to tell them to stay alert and not make a single sound at the moment. At this instant, suddenly, the earth erupted outside of that fan shaped formation. The flying earth filled the sky and rained back down on the area with a crashing sound.