Powerful Force

All four General Managers were elite warriors at the Transformation Void Martial Stage. And if two other Transformation Void Martial Stage warriors were next to Commander Chen, then he would have six elite warriors at the Transformation stage!

Besides this, all four General Managers had four or five Refined Void Martial Stage warriors. Plus the two Refined elite warriors next to Commander Chen, the total number would not be less than twenty!

Of course, Bao Bao and Lone being the two Refined Void Martial Stage were not included.

Bao Bao mumbled: "Good riddance, one at the Profound Void Martial Stage, six Transformation warriors and about twenty at the Refined Stage! There are also more than twenty Perfect Stage of the Spiritual Martial Force. The remaining ones are all at the Advanced Stage. If such level of combat ability were placed in the human countries, it would be enough to make one faint just hearing it."