Lord Mu Rong

Rows of martial artist patrolled the area while wearing the same uniforms.

The head martial artist waved the long whip in his hand and shouted: "All of you freelance martial artists, hurry and find an inn to stay. In the next three days, don't come out onto the streets if you have no business. The Orderly Mountain Prefecture capital city will implement semi martial-law mode. If you don't want any trouble, either leave the city quickly or find a place to stay. Those who belongs to sects, go home to train. Don't wander on this street!"

These warriors were the official army of the Orderly Mountain Prefecture. They were extremely powerful and their individual power were tremendously shocking. Their team combat ability was even more well trained and much more valiant than these freelance martial artists.

Thus, despite feeling unhappy at these loud scoldings, these freelance martial artists did not dare to defy them and no one dared to voice their complaints.