Making Concession In Order to Gain an Advantage

As soon as Qin Wushuang saw General Manager Su's stance, he knew that he would not leave the matter at that. However, his mental capacity had always been outstanding. Even if he was facing an elite warrior at the Transformation Void Martial Stage, he did not have any fear inwardly.

Traces of essence lights flashed in the eyes of Bao Bao and Lone. Clearly, they were prepared to make a move if things did not go according to their favor.

 "General Manager Su, you have sharp eyes." While Qin Wushuang spoke lightly, he was rather alert inwardly as he muttered to himself irresolutely, "Back then at the battle of the Duck Beak Mountain, you abandoned us freelance martial artists. I didn't expect that you had escaped to this Orderly Mountain capital city. Could you be thinking that the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan does not already know about you, the fish that had escaped the net, and cast out an inescapable net to catch you?"