Means to Smash the Void into Pieces

 "Red, blue, green, purple…Oh! So cool!" Suddenly, Bao Bao jumped and kept yelling, "Wonderful, Second, this is fantastic."

 "Third, what are you howling about?" Lone jumped out from the grassland from nearby.

 "Ha ha I can already extract the color of the lights continuously, and it's becoming clearer. Second, this means that my pupil is extremely sensitive to the light reaction. Ha ha, among the three of us, I am the first one that has achieved proficiency in the "Pupil Attachment Technique."

Bao Bao was still extremely excited as he waved his arms and appeared incredibly content.

Lone twitched his mouth: "This is only because Boss hasn't practiced it. If Boss practiced with us, I am sure that he will be the first one to achieve success."

Bao Bao chuckled: "That might not be true. Although Boss has supreme talent, he doesn't have the bloodline of the Ancient Spiritual Monkey."