Initiating the Attack

Hissing Sky Phoenix accepted the order and left.

Subsequently, Qin Wushuang spoke to One Horn Mystical Horse and Pure Altar Precious Pig: "Mystical Horse and Precious Pig, listen well. The ensuing battles will most likely be more ferocious. I do not wish to see you guys quarrel. I hope to see efficiency during battles, and not a dispute caused by personal feelings. As long as you can kill your enemies in the shortest possible time, I do not care what methods you use!"

One Horn Mystical Horse and Pure Altar Precious Pig all nodded urgently: "Yes, Master!"

Qin Wushuang controlled all twelve sealed scrolls. Qin Wushuang only needed to utter the spell and all of them would be sent back into the sealed scrolls. They would be put into eternal sleep. Thus, before the Master, they were powerless.

Of course, they also realized that this Master was easy to talk to. At least, he did not order them like slaves.