Chief Stepping Out, The Load on Wushuang's Mind

Upon hearing Qin Wushuang fall into silence, Bao Bao laughed: "Boss, could it be that you fainted due to too much joy? Ah, that would be too weak right? Such mental capabilities to bear news…"

Qin Wushuang said with a bitter smile: "Bao Bao, the Great Chief you talked about, is he coming to the Heavenly Luo Daoist Sect directly? He's already on his way?"

"Yes, we are on our way. Boss, what's the matter with you? From the way, you are speaking, you seemed to not want to leave?" Bao Bao looked at Qin Chongyang and revealed a strange smile.

Qin Wushuang gave a long sigh: "Bao Bao, the spiritual power deep inside this ley lines are too strong. When I trained for one day in here, at least, it's equivalent to training for a month on the outside world. I am truly reluctant to part with it. Bao Bao, if you train here for twenty or thirty years, you will surely enter the Supreme Dao."