Teaching you the Lesson, In Name of the Qin Clan

Before Qin Wushuang's strong aura, Qin Wei retreated backwards instinctively. Qin Wushuang was pressing towards him with his aura. Regardless of how much he retreated, it seemed that he could not get away from this deep abyss.

Qin Wei cried out: "Kid, you will surely regret if you are to move a hair from us. I promise!"

"Do you think that with your current situation, what can you promise? Qin Wei, if you exert all your force to deal with the Heavenly Punishing Villa, the Sound of Thunder sect, I will give you the thumbs up. Even if you don't possess such courage, but be a respectable human being and behave with integrity, you will not lose the manner as a disciple of the Qin Clan. However, what did you use your courage for? Bully your neighbors? Wielding the halberd within the household? Is this your resolve for being a Qin disciple? If this is the case, I don't mind to let you experience the true resolve today!"