Engulfing Blue Ray

Yan Zhuiyang was unable to express how difficult his current situation was. He knew that trying to escape by going downwards was a desperate move with a narrow chance of escape, yet, it would be better than the certain death in the area above him.

It was if one was trying to quench his thirst with poison. Despite knowing that you may die of poisoning, if you don't drink it, you will surely die of thirst.

Therefore, although Yan Zhuiyang knew that his chances of survival by diving dowards was not great, he was still making his way through to the places beneath him with all his effort. Even if he were to get squeezed to death by the water pressure below, it would be better then dying by the hands of Qin Wushuang.

The black stream kept separating from Yan Zhuiyang's two sides. The deeper he went, the greater the density of the water. Naturally, the pressure was also getting stronger.