Covering Your Head and Sneaking Away Like a Rat

Not only was Wei Shenglong stunned, but even the wise and experienced Tiger Honored Warrior Xia was taken back by this inconceivable scene. Such form of divine skill was something he had never seen before.

He didn't even see the person unleash this skill.

He looked around and saw absolutely nothing. Regardless of how far he spread his spiritual perception to search, there was no one else besides the Stargaze disciples in front of him.

Tiger Honored Warrior Xia felt his blood run cold and instantly beads of cold sweat emerged on his spine. He realized that today's situation seemed to be anything but reassuring.

Wei Shenglong was a perspicacious person. As this move had failed he knew that something was wrong, so he withdrew his stance and did not unleash the second attack. Instead, he took two steps back in preparation to defend himself.