The Opportunity for the Rapid Advance

Mu Rong Qianji and his daughter took a day tour at the Aspiring Throne Mountain. After the tour, they returned to the guest house and settled down. Of course, Qin Wushuang served them from left to right.

Just when he send off Mu Rong Qianji to the guest house, Elder Guan Qi found Qin Wushuang and said: "Wushuang, the Third Chief is asking you to head to the Upright Morality Hall."

Mu Rong Qianji found it to be somewhat strange. Had they not just separated a moment ago? However, Qin Wushuang knew what was going on as he said to Mu Rong Qianji: "Lord Mu Rong, you could rest, I am going to meet with the Chief."

Although Mu Rong Qianji had no idea what was going on, he did not ask: "Go ahead, no need to worry here."