The Ten Thousand Flower Valley Pageant

The Ten Thousand Flower Valley was not far from where they lived for it was only two or three thousand miles away. For martial artists of the Spiritual Martial Force, these two or three thousand miles were nothing. To Qin Wushuang and Jiu Fang Yunfei, this distance appeared even more insignificant.

Tian Mingshan and the three others had tracked them for a long time in the forest and around the nearby area. In the end, when they came up empty-handed, they realized that they must have fallen into a vicious trap. Shakyamuni Silver Loop swore, "Darn it, those two little guys are extremely cunning. It seems they have set up these confusing formations to puzzle us."

Tian Mingshan added with a gloomy face, "I always felt that something was wrong with that kid. I refuse to believe that he is a disciple of a major sect from the Illusion Heavenly Lake."

The "kid" he referred to was of course, Jiu Fang Yunfei.