Senior Brother Shang Ye

Qin Wushuang was astonished. Indeed, many of the major sects within the Forbidden Spiritual Zones did not get along with each other. Being one of the six major Daoist Sects of the Illusion Heavenly Lake, this Emei Daoist Sect had unleashed such vicious actions.

However, Qin Wushuang did not find it strange. The martial arts world has always valued the the weak being prey to the strong. Perhaps the Emei Daoist Sect's actions could not count as honorable, but it was still difficult for people to hold it against them.

Now, Qin Wushuang had verified the identity of that woman dressed in palace clothing and indeed she had come from the Emei Daoist Sect. This deepened his uneasy feelings towards the Emei Daoist Sect.