Villains Collude Together

As the tender and beautiful flower was inserted into her hair, it made Ruo Ping Fairy appear even more tender and beautiful. In the past, Ruo Ping Fairy had succeeded a few love passes. In fact, those men had not moved her at all.

Currently, Ruo Ping Fairy was feeling a vivid desire from the bottom of her heart. If she could pass the love barrier with Xin Wuji, she would reap the benefits incredibly.

On the other hand, the harmfulness Xin Wuji could cause was too great.

"Fairy, now, nothing can describe your beauty." Xin Wuji gave a long sigh and combined with his deeply affectionate eyes, it seemed as if he was looking at her with a luminous blaze.

This Xin Wuji had not hesitated to use his manly charm!

Locked by this blazing look, Ruo Ping Fairy's heart had further sunk. She twisted the corner of her cloth with her index finger and said with shyness, "Xin Wuji, could you get a bit further away from me?"