The Ambition to Dash for the Crown

Qin Taichong was a Senior Brother and possessed superior strength, so he also held a superior position. No one would think of his spot.

For the remaining spot, it would be selected amongst Qin Wushuang, Qin Zhining, Qin Hao and Qin Hongyan. If it were in the past, perhaps Qin Zhining would have had the intent to compete for it.

However, Qin Wushuang's recent accomplishment was too devilish: he had even killed Xin Wuji. Even if Qin Zhining was confident, he knew that this spot had belonged to Qin Wushuang. If the three of them were to fight for it, it would not show understanding for the general situation.

As Qin Zhining thought of it this way, he no longer carried any form of stubbornness. He opened his mouth to speak, "Second Chief, Senior Brother Tai Chong possesses superior strength and has far surpassed us. Of course, he should be taking a spot."

For this statement, Qin Hao and Qin Hongyan would not object. All nodded to agree.