Return with Triumph

The two brothers held each other's palm, a charming air surrounded them.

"Congratulations." Shang Ye smiled.

Su Mi also laughed. "Brother Wushuang, thank you. If you had not come out, that One Horned Mountain Dragon Clan would most likely have won. If that were the case, their cockiness would greatly increase."

Initially, the One Horned Mountain Dragon Clan did not share a good relationship with the Coiled Dragon Clan where Su Mi belonged to. Both houses were considered exceptional among the True Dragon Nine Clans. Only, the One Horned Mountain Dragon Clan had that cunning Jiang Kui who broke the equally matched powerhouses.

Unconsciously, this One Horned Mountain Dragon Clan was trending to be more powerful than the Coiled Dragon Clan.

Qin Wushuang said with a smile, "Brother, what is your plan next?"