The Power of the Divine Arrows

Qin Xiaotian was strangely calm. He only listened with a cold sneer as if he was listening to the most irrelevant matter he had ever heard.

"That's right, the Qin Clan is being so proud and overbearing, it's outrageous. My Heavenly Punishing Villa cannot stand their atrocities any longer! Your majesty, please hold justice for the Heavenly Punishing Villa!" Yan Guinan walked out of the ranks and bowed at the Heavenly Emperor with one knee.

"For my Sound of Thunder Sect, please hold justice, your majesty!" Lei Ming did not try to overdo his plea.

Xin Tianchen glared at the Qin Clan with an awful gaze and said, "Qin Wushuang, on that day in order to seize the Supreme Dao Fruit, you attacked your fellow disciples from the Heavenly Emperor Mountain at the Ten Thousand Flower Valley. There are countless witnesses. That day at the Karakorum Immortal Clan, you relied on people making false testimony for you and you somehow escaped. Today, let's see how you manage!"