Head Chief's Strategic Choice

Revealing a dignified expression, Qin Xiaotian nodded and gave a long sigh. "Usually, since the Qin have the Eight Desolates and Six Directions Formation, we can sleep peacefully. However, during the few days when I was in solitary training, I couldn't help but feel somewhat restless. With my strength at the Genuine Supreme Dao Stage, vividly I could already sense the subtle aspects within the heavenly Dao and nature. Before, I was able to keep a much more single-minded focus. However, in these few days my sense of restlessness has grown stronger."

Qin Chongyang and Qin Yunran exchanged a glance and felt each other's uneasiness. If the invincible Head Chief was thinking this, it proved that there were still changes to come, changes that were substantial.

"Head Chief, could it be that there will be repeated changes in this crisis?" Qin Chongyang probed to ask.