Separate in Three Ways

The Heavenly Emperor Gate was located at the southeastern territory of the Heavenly Emperor Mountain. In terms of fortune, indeed it was the most prosperous place among the Heavenly Emperor Gate. However, since the Heavenly Emperor Gate had done many unjustified actions, their instability would be the cause of their decline.

This time, the location where Qin Wushuang and the others were transported was the most desolate and the most secretive serene mountain valley among the Aspiring Throne Mountain. As it was covered by clouds and mist, even the Heavenly Emperor party did not notice it.

Exactly as Qin Xiaotian had guessed, eyes were set everywhere across the entire Heavenly Emperor Mountain by the Heavenly Emperor Gate. Since Qin Wushuang was quick and Mu Rong Xu and the others disguised themselves, they were able to trick them and escape.

Qin Wushuang was not in a rush to make his move. He was waiting. He planned to wait for half of a month.