The Path of Doon

Su Mi said coldly, "You can try to commit an offense."

Ke Da said with a faint smile, "You are the princess of the Coiled Dragon Clan, I cannot afford to offend you."

"What, if I wasn't the princess of the Coiled Dragon Clan, you could offend me?"

"Ha ha, if you were not the princess of the Coiled Dragon Clan, after smashing the door of my cave and ruining my pleasure, I would not be speaking to you with good manners." Ke Da revealed a face full of exhaustion and indolence. Clearly, this person received excessive favoritism as he relied on his higher strength. He was slightly more powerful than the three deputy Island Masters.

If it wasn't for him not having enough experience, he could have been justified to sit on the position of the Island Masters. Even so, the Island Masters had not arranged this which caused him to feel anxious.