Eastern Sea Sorceress, Mi Jia!

Addressing him as the stinky monkey caused Bao Bao to fly into a rage. He roared, "Which bastard was it?"

From the northwestern corner, a remnant image dazzled before their eyes as it swung like the waves. This person dressed in blazing red armor from head to toe exhibited an impressive bodily figure. It was a girl. She was indeed, the sorceress of the Horned Dragon Clan, Mi Jia.

"Humph, little monkey, you dare to curse at me? You are dead meat!"

Bao Bao was filled with anger. "What about it? Who made you call me a stinky monkey?"

Qin Wushuang extended his hand to block Bao Bao. "Bao Bao, don't talk nonsense with her."

Exhibiting an indifferent look, he looked at this aggressive woman. Qin Wushuang knew that this woman certainly held some sort of high position at the Endless Eastern Sea or else she would never have dared to roam around alone.