The Strange Hibiscus Forest

Since Mi JIa was unable to persuade Qin Wushuang, she could only stay quiet. Revealing a gloomy expression, she opened the map. "Young Qin, it's your loss for not letting me go. Even though you are not heartless, you can't be inconsiderate. Look closely, the Hibiscus Forest is here. Remember, you must watch your flying trajectory when you are to enter the Hibiscus Forest. Only this one route is a flying zone. If you do not enter with this trajectory, even if you are off the tiniest bit, most likely you will be swallowed by the many different mysterious whirlpools of the Hibiscus Forest. This is the most eastern part of the Tian Xuan Land and it has incredibly strange terrain. There are countless unknown traps and natural whirlpools that can't be prevented."