Inescapable Net

When Golden Ray Dragon King saw that Qin Wushuang acted this way, he was slightly angered inwardly. Being the honorable leader of the totem clan, at the Tian Xuan Land, even for those few controllers, they would never be this disrespectful.

Golden lights gradually surged on his face and surrounding his body, golden lights kept gathering. Now, Golden Ray Dragon King was full of jeweled lights that made the others afraid to look at him in the eye.

"Your majesty, this kid is too arrogant," an elite warrior of the dragon clan said indignantly.

"Yes, your majesty, as long as you send the word, we will immediately go in and take that kid out! Whether to kill or to cut off his flesh, we shall listen to you."

Golden Ray Dragon King gave a slight snort and suddenly, he laughed. "Good kid, you are neither servile nor overbearing, I rather underestimated you. Send my order, surround the Hibiscus Forest."
