The Dragon King’s Amazement

The two Transformation Supreme Dao elite warriors received the brunt of the attack. With a flash of golden light, instantly it expanded more than ten times and directly swallowed the first two.


With an explosion of golden lights, the two figures exploded one after the other. Their bodies shot in all directions following the explosive golden light. When the two other Transformation Supreme Dao elite warriors, who were slightly further away than the first two, were chased by this golden light, they had nowhere to run away. While they moved in a slanted direction, a burst of white light shot out from a nearby space crack that engulfed them as if being swallowed by a giant whale. In a flash, they disappeared without a trace.

As he looked at the battlefield filled with golden lights, the shattering scene in the sky showcased a completely desolate disaster. Qin Wushuang had not expected this outcome.