Verbal Sparring with Xuan Yuan Wei

Before the mountain gate, Xuan Yuan Wei did not intentionally urge his Supreme Dao presence. Although he was domineering, and annoyed at the Qin Clan, he would not dare to break the rules publicly.

The totem clans were forbidden to get involved in secular affairs. This was a rule set since the immemorial era. Although it did not appear as meddling brazenly when Xuan Yuan Wei bestowed the Nirvana Heavenly Plow to Xin Tianwen, in fact there was already a problem with his view of standing. Now, as he wanted to get the Nirvana Heavenly Plow back, naturally he could not be overly arrogant. If he were to still act as if spanking someone's butt, if things went in the wrong direction, the Xuan Yuan Clan would have no explanation to the other totem clans.