The Bearing of the Head Chief

Despite Qin Yunran's accompaniment, Ding Qijian still felt enormous pressure. When he walked before Qin Wushuang's cave dwelling, a Supreme Dao elite warrior like Ding Qijian could not refrain from feeling some tightness in his footsteps. The small drops of sweat on the tip of his nose showcased the nervousness in his heart.

Qin Yunran knew about Ding Qijian's pressure as he laughed. "Daoist Ding, don't worry, my Head Chief is incredibly friendly. No need to feel so pressured."

Although it was said this way, considering how he was meeting perhaps the most exceptional prodigy in the history of the Qin Clan, Ding Qijian still worried about how it would go.

He worked hard to calm down and finally, he just barely calmed his nerves.

Qin Wushuang did not deliberately activate his aura, yet with the royal crown of the Head Chief of the Qin Clan, it still posed great intimidation.