Head Senior Brother, Li Buyi?

Li Buyi did not wish to be in the spotlight, yet in the present situation he knew that if he were to not congratulate Qin Wushuang, those restless minds in the dark might become active.

Before Li Buyi only supported Qin Wushuang in secret, but now it seemed he would make it clear to everyone.

Fortunately, Qin Lianshan and Mu Rong Qianji were in charge of receiving guests and with the hosts being two Supreme Dao elite warriors, Qin Wushuang did not need to worry about it too much. He only needed to be a happy groom.

After the feast finished, Li Buyi walked before Qin Wushuang and said with a smile, "Little one, you would not mind if I take some of your time?"

"I am really grateful to you, Senior Li. Please let me know if there is anything I can do."