Three Months of Solitary Training

The people in this Freelance Martial Artist Union explained everything. In the Tian Xuan Land, it was difficult to imagine how a Freelance Martial Artist Union could provide such services. It would be strange if those totem elite warriors allowed foreign freelance martial artists to train in their territory. Their prejudice naturally caused them to set their own territory as their private zone, how could they allow other people to set foot in it?

It seemed that an open plane was much more active than those confined planes. When martial artists from different places fostered communication, it was beneficial to improve the overall strength of a plane.

Just by looking at this Meteorological Land, it has the imposing manner of a magnificent country. It was incomparable to the little outlooks possessed by those from the Tian Xuan Land.

While Qin Wushuang secretly felt impressed, he did not show it.