Jinwu City

Jinwu City, Yanghe Prefecture...

Standing on the top of a mountain peak outside Jinwu City, Zhang Tie couldn't prevent his heart from racing when he looked at Jinwu City in front of him.

4 years ago, Jinwu City was only on the drawings; however, it had already come true today.

Compared to Class A cities in Taixia Country, covering a bit more than 100 square miles, Jinwu City was just a small city. However, the boisterous scenery of constant airships above Jinwu City and the bustling crowd outside Jinwu City made it more like a prosperous commercial center or regional air traffic hub than a small city.

Railways and highways had been built. Standing on the top of the mountain peak, Zhang Tie could see crisscrossed railways and highways radiate in all directions from Jinwu City. Smoking trains were running on the railways like boas while various vehicles were shuttling back and forth on the highways.