Zhang Tie's Overall Plan

"The first palace of seven internal palaces of Iron-Dragon Sect is Heavens Palace. Being ruled by the deputy head, the "Heavens" Palace was in charge of general affairs across the sect. The second palace of seven internal palaces is Personnel Affairs Palace, which is in charge of the personnel promotion, rewards and punishments of the sect. The third palace of seven internal palaces is Ground Palace, which is responsible for the administrative affairs and construction of the sect. The fourth palace of seven internal palaces is Ritual Palace, which accounts for rites and sacrifices. The fifth palace of seven internal palaces is Criminal Penalty Palace, which, literally, takes in charge of the execution of criminal laws. The sixth palace is Safety Palace, which will guard and patrol the territory of Iron-Dragon Sect and clear out the moles. The seventh palace is Methods Palace which is responsible for managing and imparting secret methods to disciples."