A Satisfying Day of Work

"You big liar! I’ve warned you, stay far away from me!"

About a hundred people could be seen bustling about the radioactive ore mining spot. A few mechanical drillers were employed to dig deeper into the ground. At other sites a few yards away, other crews were busy laying down tracks. Overall, there were more than a thousand workers laboring in the area.

This meant that the Hope’s current unemployment rate was at a satisfying zero. The previously overloaded patrol and public service units even had to let some go so that they could be siphoned into these waiting projects.

The mining spot was at a plateau not far away from the Hope. Using detection devices and manual digging, they hoped to gather enough radioactive deposits for the Hope’s reactors. Due to this usage of conventional methods, the whole project needed about five thousand workers. The number was so high because there was a shift rotation to keep 24-hour functionality.