24 Hours (8)

Yao Yuan’s intention to employ explosives to demolish the entrance faced quite a sizeable resistance; even the Academy voiced its concerns. However, Yao Yuan decided to go ahead with the plan because none could offer a better resolution… Ren Tao was right, it was do-or-die.

After the resounding explosion, almost everyone on the Hope gathered at the windows facing the base. Many were praying tearfully, praying for the safety of their families and friends who were still trapped in the underground base. This was especially true for the women who were allowed an early leave due to the voluntary sacrifice of their husbands.

The most hectic room on the Hope was, however, its surveillance room. Training all its scanning and tracking devices on the underground base, technicians and scientists hustled about the room checking and collecting data. This was data on the base’s geological condition, structural integrity, and the general situation around the meteorite.